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Photovoltaic inverter quality spot checks are conducted, and ceramic substrates are vigorously assisted
Release time:2022-07-10 14:16:58  Author:富力天晟  Reading volume:387

The development of the photovoltaic industry in China can be described as ups and downs, but with the strong support of the country, it still develops rapidly. In the process of development, there are inevitably malicious individuals who want to dig into socialist corners. Such projects that benefit the country and the people are absolutely not allowed to have "mouse droppings". So from July to October 2017, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine organized the national supervision and random inspection of the quality of 50 products, including the third batch of baby carriages, covering 7 categories of products, including daily use and textiles, electronic appliances, light industrial products, construction and decoration materials, agricultural production materials, mechanical and security products, electrical and material products. This includes photovoltaic inverters. A total of 27 batches of photovoltaic grid connected inverter products produced by 27 enterprises in 5 provinces and municipalities including Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, and Guangdong were randomly inspected.




This random inspection was conducted in accordance with the requirements of NB/T32004-2013 "Technical Specification for Grid-connected Photovoltaic Power Inverters" and other standards. The protection connection, contact current, power frequency withstand voltage of solid insulation, rated input and output, conversion efficiency, harmonic and waveform distortion, power factor, DC component, and AC output side overvoltage/undervoltage protection of photovoltaic grid connected inverter products were inspected. Spot checks found that 6 batches of products did not meet the standard requirements, involving rated input and output, conversion efficiency, harmonic and waveform distortion, power factor, DC component, and AC output side overvoltage/undervoltage protection projects.




Photovoltaic inverters, also known as power regulators, can be divided into two types based on their use in photovoltaic power generation systems: independent power supply and grid connected. According to the waveform modulation method, it can be further divided into square wave inverters, step wave inverters, sine wave inverters, and combined three-phase inverters. For inverters used in grid connected systems, they can be divided into transformer type inverters and transformer free inverters based on the presence or absence of transformers. However, regardless of the type of inverter, it is closely related to the ceramic substrate.




The core components of the inverter are usually IGBT modules, which can maximize electrical and thermal efficiency. IGBT, also known as insulated gate bipolar transistor, is a composite fully controlled voltage driven power semiconductor device composed of BJT (bipolar transistor) and MOS (insulated gate field-effect transistor). It combines the advantages of high input impedance of MOSFET and low conduction voltage drop of GTR. The saturation voltage of GTR decreases, the current density is high, but the driving current is high; MOSFET has low driving power and fast switching speed, but high conduction voltage drop and low current density. IGBT combines the advantages of the above two devices, with low driving power and reduced saturation voltage.




The core of IGBT modules is ceramic substrates. As the most suitable substrate for high-power modules, they have been applied in the field of power control for many years. However, the production and research and development of IGBT in China are still lagging behind. One of the main reasons is the insufficient supply of ceramic substrates, which is also one of the reasons for the low qualification rate of photovoltaic inverters in China. However, many innovative enterprises like Sliton have emerged in China, Being able to fill the gap in China's ceramic substrate industry is a powerful addition to China's photovoltaic industry.

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contacts:Mr. Hu
cell phone:13387504731
Company address:Jiangxia District, Wuhan City

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