The so-called high-power semiconductor module is a combination of certain functions and modes, and the power semiconductor module is a high-power electronic power device that is encapsulated into a whole according to certain functional combinations. Power semiconductor modules can achieve different functions according to the different components packaged. Power semiconductor devices mainly include power metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors, insulated gate bipolar transistors, and power integrated circuits. These devices or integrated circuits can operate at high frequencies, while circuits can be more energy-efficient and material efficient at high frequencies, significantly reducing equipment volume and weight. Especially for single-chip power systems with high integration, they can integrate sensor components and circuits, signal processing circuits, interface circuits, power devices and circuits on a single silicon chip, enabling them to have intelligent functions of precisely adjusting output according to load requirements and self-protection according to overheating, overvoltage, overcurrent and other conditions. International experts liken its development to the second electronics revolution.
Whether it is an insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) or a DC/DC high-power module, ceramic circuit boards are one of the main core components. High power semiconductor modules have a very large heat dissipation demand, and whether it is air-cooled or water-cooled, heat must be first exported. The first contact point of heat is the substrate, and aluminum nitride ceramic substrate is undoubtedly the best choice.
The Sliton aluminum nitride ceramic substrate adopts laser activation metalization technology, which activates the conductive layer with the ceramic to become an ionic state, and then combines it. The bonding strength can reach an unprecedented 45Mpa, which is high and also improves various performance aspects:
Thermal conductivity: The thermal conductivity of ordinary aluminum nitride ceramic substrates is about 150W/(m · K), and the Snyder aluminum nitride ceramic circuit board can reach 230 W/(m · K);
Conductivity: Due to its good sealing performance and the absence of an oxide layer in the copper layer, its conductivity is superior to other substrates;
Stability: High thermal conductivity, good conductivity, corrosion resistance, and stability can meet aerospace standards;
Long lifespan: Relatively speaking, the lifespan will be increased by more than twice.
The above advantages can improve the performance of high-power semiconductor modules by a certain level. Currently, there is still a certain gap between domestic high-power semiconductor modules and international ones. Sliton is committed to the development of the domestic electronics industry and contributes to the Chinese electronics manufacturing industry.