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CIS chip prices continue to rise - Supply chain companies (2)
Release time:2020-10-10 09:53:12  Author:富力天晟  Reading volume:359

2. CIS market demand

In 2020, with the increasingly tight production capacity of upstream wafers, the supply gap of CIS chips has further increased. According to the market data, it is not difficult to find that there is a serious supply of CIS: 5M and below CIS there have been two large-scale price increases, and the price increases of the manufacturers are mostly distributed in the mainland of China, of which the shortage of Geke Micro is particularly obvious, in order to alleviate the pressure, Geke Micro has to raise the product price twice in the short term, the overall increase has been close to 40%. In addition, many CIS chip manufacturers such as Sibico and BYD also have price adjustment operations. CIS shortage is mainly due to the outbreak of demand and insufficient production capacity, under the trade war, the production capacity of most fabs is given priority to large customers, and the relevant chips are naturally out of stock after the single of small customers is cut. The rapid growth in demand mainly comes from the significant increase in the penetration rate of multiple cameras in the smartphone market, and the spread to low-end models, resulting in an increase in market demand for low-end CIS products. In addition to smartphones, the doubling of the number of cameras for terminal products such as automotive electronics and security monitoring is also one of the reasons for the rapid growth of demand in the CIS market.


According to market research agency IC Insights statistics, in 2019 CIS global shipments reached 6.1 billion, sales are estimated to grow 9% over 2018, to $15.5 billion, is expected to refresh the record for eight consecutive years, is expected to grow 4% this year, to $16.1 billion, this trend will continue to 2023 is expected to break through 9.5 billion form. At present, the largest terminal application of CIS is in smartphones, but from the perspective of growth, the automotive sector is the most explosive, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 29.7% to 2023, which is estimated to reach $3.2 billion. It accounts for 15% of the total CIS.

Third, CIS and CCD working principle

Is the CIS market really as good as these numbers suggest? Then we need to understand the basic principle of how it works: we think of the light we receive as a dense rain, and the pixels as a bucket. The "bucket" on the CCD is arranged in parallel by column, and each column is transmitted to the transfer bucket by column (signal reading), and then the data is packaged together to amplify the output (data transmission) to complete the data conversion. The "bucket" on the CIS operates at the same time to receive the "raindrop", that is, to receive and read the optical signal at the same time, and each pixel is separately configured with a signal amplifier, which can directly transmit the electrical signal to the circuit board.

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