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What substrates are currently used for sensors?
Release time:2020-09-10 09:50:24  Author:富力天晟  Reading volume:344

Sensor, is a detection device, can feel the measured information, and can feel the information, according to certain laws into electrical signals or other required form of information output, to meet the information transmission, processing, storage, display, record and control requirements. Of course, in the years caused by the Siletone ceramic circuit board, although the growth rate of car sales has slowed in recent years, the number of electronic products integrated in the car has steadily increased year by year. In recent years, many sensors have been installed in passenger cars to sense temperature, pressure, position and speed. However, the demand for sensors is still showing a significant growth trend.

Sensors, communications and computers are known as the three pillars of modern information technology and the foundation of the Internet of Things, and their application involves various fields of national economy and national defense scientific research, and is one of the basic and strategic industries of the national economy. In any case, based on the sensors we commonly use, according to the manufacturing process to classify:

Integrated sensors are manufactured using standard process techniques for the production of silicon-based semiconductor integrated circuits. Usually, part of the circuit used for the initial processing of the signal under test is also integrated on the same chip, such as the MEMS sensor that is now vigorously developed. Thin film sensors are formed by depositing a thin film of the corresponding sensitive material on a dielectric substrate (substrate). When the hybrid process is used, part of the circuit can also be manufactured on this substrate. The thick film sensor is made of a slurry of the corresponding material coated on a ceramic substrate, which is usually made of Al2O3, and then heat treated to form the thick film.

Ceramic sensors are produced by standard ceramic processes or some variant of them (sol, gel, etc.). After the appropriate preparatory operation is completed, the formed components are sintered at high temperatures.

There are many common characteristics between the two processes of thick film and ceramic sensor, and in some respects, the thick film process can be considered as a variant of the ceramic process.

Select the sensor from the sensitivity, frequency response, linear range, stability and accuracy of these aspects to consider, which stability and the quality of the base plate has a great relationship, the first few mainly look at the manufacturing process, from the stability of the word, then the most suitable for the sensor of non-alumina ceramic substrate. The stability of ceramic materials is quite excellent, as long as the manufacturing process technology can pass, alumina ceramic substrate is undoubtedly much better than other PCB.

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