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Stability test: Ceramic substrate is more suitable for modern products
Release time:2022-11-08 14:26:00  Author:富力天晟  Reading volume:403


Precon testing, also known as Pre conditioning testing, is the first test for reliability after chip packaging is completed. The main content of this test is to simulate the packaging 

and transportation process of the packaged substrate, hoping to discover problems in practice and explore methods to solve problems and optimize product quality.




Since it is testing, there is also a corresponding testing process, which will first use ultrasound to inspect the internal structure and record various parameters, followed by various

 harsh environmental tests. Firstly, it is natural that the temperature has changed. Due to market demand, transportation and use are possible from the Arctic to the equator; 

Subsequently, there is the drying process of water molecules, with vacuum inside the packaging. Then, the packaging is placed at a constant temperature for a period of time 

to simulate the moisture absorption state of the chip after opening; Finally, there is a simulation of the soldering operation, and after completing this step, the data can be re





Ceramic substrates are the most resistant to humid, high-temperature, and reducing atmospheres. Firstly, the metal layer of ceramic substrates does not contain organic 

components and will not be easily combined; The second reason is that the material itself is made of special ceramics, and the material itself is made at high temperatures. 

The high temperature situation during testing is just a small issue.




Generally speaking, Precon testing can fully expose substrate issues such as solder detachment, delamination, circuit failure, etc. These problems are basically caused by the

 packaging body encountering high temperatures after moisture absorption, just like popcorn under vacuum packaging. After being heated in a microwave oven, not only does 

the body undergo a certain degree of thermal expansion and contraction, but the moisture inside the packaging body also begins to vaporize, causing significant volume 

expansion during the vaporization process, causing significant damage to the packaging body. However, for ceramic substrates, the unavoidable problem of thermal expansion

 and contraction can also become a major advantage, as the magnitude of thermal expansion and contraction depends on the coefficient of thermal expansion. If both objects 

increase or decrease their volume at the same time, problems such as debonding and delamination will naturally be solved. The thermal expansion coefficient of ceramic substrates

 is more similar to that of silicon chips, which can effectively reduce such concerns.




Through the comparison of various data between ceramic substrates and other material substrates in stability testing, the ability to withstand humidity, high temperature, 

and adapt to various environments has been fully demonstrated. With the invention and creation of more and more electronic products, this characteristic is urgently needed 

by modern products. In terms of its reliability, ceramic substrates are undoubtedly the first place. In previous years, when it was necessary to choose ceramic substrates, domestic 

ceramic substrate technology was not yet mature, and manufacturers had to choose imports. Nowadays, domestic ceramic substrate technology is becoming more perfect, which

 can be said to be comparable to foreign products. In this manufacturing environment of equal quality and heavier costs, domestic Sliton ceramic substrates are the best choice for

 manufacturers to reduce production costs and optimize the production chain.


contact information
contacts:Mr. Hu
cell phone:13387504731
Company address:Jiangxia District, Wuhan City

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