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The installation of Sliton LED ceramic substrate has been completed, and the expansion of production has started
Release time:2022-05-10 14:07:42  Author:富力天晟  Reading volume:455


The R&D manager of Sliton LED ceramic substrate stated that it will rapidly promote the engineering technology of LED ceramic substrates, including improving laser drilling speed, entering the field of gold tin alloy assembly technology for crystal cladding, significantly improving engineering efficiency and raising the competitive threshold; Due to the continued bullish demand for ceramic substrates, Sliton has initiated domestic production expansion work, which is expected to be completed by the end of May next year. Its production capacity will be increased by 15-20% in one fell swoop, sufficient to meet customer demand growth.




In Q3 2017, Sliton's LED ceramic substrates accounted for 65% of its revenue, making it the largest product line. At present, the trend of Sliton LED assembly is that the number of chips on each large wafer is rapidly increasing, and the number of drilling holes on the substrate is also increasing synchronously. Therefore, improving the efficiency of laser drilling involves delivery schedule and quality, which will be an important engineering link. By using an additional engineering device, the drilling efficiency has been effectively improved, with an increase of not only 20% or 30%, but also a significant jump, which can significantly improve product competitiveness.




Regarding the LED ceramic substrate market, Sliton pointed out that the current demand for LED ceramic substrates has changed greatly and is very dynamic. Sliton's expansion is expected to be completed by the end of May, with a production capacity increase of about 15-20%. As long as customers have a demand, it can be fully met.




Regarding the competition between ceramic substrates and EMC (thermosetting epoxy resin) supports, Sliton pointed out that in the past, high-power LEDs used ceramics and high-power LEDs used EMC supports. However, the power boundary between the two is becoming increasingly blurred. The advantage of ceramic substrates is that EMC cannot make fine circuits, which means it cannot meet the needs of cladding packaging, which will result in differences in the application of the two materials; At the same time, it is emphasized that Sliton will not give up any growth opportunities, including medium power and high-power products, as well as single crystal, double crystal, four crystal, and eight crystal applications. "As long as we use ceramic technology, we will do it




At present, Sliton has become a leader in mainland China's ceramic substrate industry and needs to show greater courage to lead China's ceramic substrate and even LED industry to go global.

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contacts:Mr. Hu
cell phone:13387504731
Company address:Jiangxia District, Wuhan City

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