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RF antenna front end exerts force, and aluminum nitride ceramic substrate rises accordingly
Release time:2021-12-10 14:00:27  Author:富力天晟  Reading volume:370


As the pace of 5G approaches, the demand for RF front-end will significantly increase. The network evolution towards LTE-A and LTE-A Pro is an important means to extend the life cycle of LTE and also a key step to ensure a smooth transition to 5G. These technologies not only enable telecom operators to launch new high bandwidth services, but also enable them to open up new business opportunities. At the same time, these upgrades will greatly improve network performance in multiple aspects such as coverage, cell edge capacity, and spectrum efficiency. Smartphones using these networks will play a decisive role in improving network efficiency. In order to maximize its effectiveness, the RF front-end technology installed in mobile phones is crucial. Therefore, the RF front-end architecture not only needs to support 4x4 MIMO, packet tracking, and antenna tuning, but also ensures that all of these are properly integrated into a structurally sound modem-antenna design. This article will elaborate on the core components needed to support mobile devices - aluminum nitride (AIN) ceramic substrates.



5GMassiveMIMO is one of the most critical technologies. Due to the characteristics of multiple channels, low power, and large antennas, combined with the wind resistance and weight design limitations of the product, traditional metal cavity filters cannot be used. The latest technology of Fbar, Monoblock, and waveguide filters must be used. Sliton laid out the aluminum nitride ceramic substrate project three years ago and is currently able to meet the sales of conventional TE and TM modules, with large-scale applications in the fields of RFID, smart antennas, and dielectric diplexers. At present, Sliton has successfully released three 3.5G aluminum nitride ceramic substrate products, which meet the specifications of MassiveMIMO products. In the 3.5GHz-5 GHz frequency band, wireless base stations will use aluminum nitride ceramic substrate solutions for base station design on a large scale. This time, Sliton has once again stood at the forefront of the times and is fully prepared to welcome the 5G RF revolution.




The reason for using aluminum nitride ceramic substrates is mainly due to the following two reasons:




1. Low dielectric loss: Having ultra-low dielectric loss can significantly reduce the amount of MIMO and reduce costs.




2. High stability: insulation, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and other characteristics are conducive to long-term operation of RF base stations.




These two factors alone are enough to overturn all previous substrate applications and take RF antennas to a new height. The focus of aluminum nitride ceramic substrates is not actually on the low-frequency level, but more on high-frequency applications, and their dielectric loss advantage is insurmountable by other types of substrates. Sliton has already invested a lot of effort in this area and is expected to launch a multi-layer ceramic substrate specifically designed for the RF antenna field in 2018 to fill the gap in China's sub field.




Sliton has been working in the communication field for many years, closely following the development and technological evolution of 5G technology standards, and closely cooperating with customers to conduct pre research and product development of 5G cutting-edge technologies. From product development, technical research reserves, and industrial layout, it is at the forefront of its peers. From RF front-end to product terminals, Sliton's 5G series ceramic substrates have started mass supply to customers and are the first to be commercially available globally, providing high-speed mobile services for people.

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contacts:Mr. Hu
cell phone:13387504731
Company address:Jiangxia District, Wuhan City

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