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Testing of Ethanol Gas Sensor Enhanced by Alumina Ceramic Substrate
Release time:2021-11-10 13:59:06  Author:富力天晟  Reading volume:375



As is well known, sensors are widely used basic devices in industrial and agricultural production, and sensor technology is the fundamental technology for industrial development. Sensor technology is also a highly competitive high-tech among major industrialized countries. This is because in modern society, national economy, and national defense construction, sensors with different functions are increasingly widely used in many fields such as artificial intelligence, automatic control, computing technology, transportation, remote sensing and telemetry, industrial production, environmental monitoring and protection, and healthcare. Some even claim that high-performance sensors have human or superhuman functions.




Combustible or harmful gas sensors are an important category of sensors, which are widely used in various industries and have a vast potential market. Especially the issue of environment and development is one of the focal issues that governments, scientists, and decision-makers in enterprises and institutions around the world are generally concerned about today and in the 21st century. The detection and control of harmful gases is an important aspect of environmental and development research.


At present, most of the materials used in gas sensors are gas sensitive ceramics, among which metal oxide semiconductor gas sensitive ceramics are the majority. In 1931, it was discovered that the conductivity of CU2O changed with the adsorption of water vapor. After 1962, countries such as Japan and the United States first conducted research on the gas sensing characteristics of semiconductor ceramics such as tin oxide and zinc oxide series, and developed practical gas sensing components. 

The production and economic development of modern society have put forward increasingly high requirements for the detection, control, and alarm of flammable, explosive, toxic, and harmful gases, which has effectively promoted the development of various gas sensitive ceramic materials. So far, the widely used three atmosphere sensing ceramic materials are SnO2, ZnO, and Fe2O3 ceramics, which can be used to prepare gas sensing elements with detection performance for different types of combustible or harmful gases. 

These gas sensing elements generally operate at higher temperatures than room temperature and require heating conditions to work effectively. This not only leads to high component power consumption, but also in flammable and explosive environments, This itself can easily become a source of danger. In addition, these types of sensors also have issues such as poor stability, poor gas resolution, and short lifespan. 

The above material systems are basically invented by countries such as Japan and the United States, and their use is subject to intellectual property restrictions. Therefore, whether a new type of ceramic substrate sensor with gas sensing characteristics that can reach or even surpass the three major material systems of SnO2, ZnO, and Fe2O3 can be invented, and whether it can apply for and obtain patents from China, as well as countries and regions such as Japan, the United States, and the European Union. Possessing unique intellectual property rights in China has become the key to developing into a ceramic substrate sensor with Chinese characteristics and advantages, and competing with Japan and the United States in gas sensors.




After long-term research by Sliton, this project has invented a novel alumina ceramic substrate and successfully prepared an ethanol gas sensor. Sensors made using this material system have the following outstanding advantages:




1. A brand new system with its own intellectual property rights;




2. Has excellent gas selectivity;




3. The working temperature of the component is low;




4. The moisture resistance is significantly better than the three major material systems of SnO2, ZnO, and Fe2O3;




5. Simple production, no environmental pollution.

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contacts:Mr. Hu
cell phone:13387504731
Company address:Jiangxia District, Wuhan City

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